Year 4
Welcome to Year 4
Hello everyone and welcome to the Year 4 section of our school website. We have had a great start to the Autumn term and are looking forward to the lead up to Christmas! Our Autumn 2 overview is now available below.
Below, you will find some key information about Year 4.
The Year 4 teachers are:
Tawny Owl Class: Mrs Blomfield:
Kestrel Class - Ms. McGibbon:
Supporting Year 4 will be Miss Chandler and Miss Begum
Important Information
PE Lessons and Kit
Please ensure your child wears full and correct PE kit on their allocated PE day. A list of the full PE kit can be found on the website under Parents > School Uniform.
Tawny Owl PE days - Tuesday (Swimming) and Friday
Kestrel PE day - Wednesday and Friday (Swimming)
Children can wear PE kit on swimming days.
Water bottles
Please ensure your child brings in a named, reusable water bottle every day.
Please note that children should only bring water in their bottle unless there is a medical need.
Reading Books
We encourage Year 4 children to read every day to support the development of their reading fluency and vocabulary. All reading should be recorded in the Reading Record books. Please ensure that the children bring their reading book and record into school daily.
Each day that your child reads and brings in their reading record they will earn a dojo.
Homework will be set every Friday and is due the following Wednesday.
The homework will consist of book work or online tasks such as those set on My Maths.
The children will be set weekly spellings on a Monday. Children should practise these spellings in their green spelling books, ready for their spelling test on the following Monday - Children will be given a spelling homework sheet, this is not due back until the test date.
We also ask the children complete regular times tables practise on TT Rockstars. In May 2025, the Year 4 pupils will take a statutory Multiplication Check. This is a short, computer based assessment of the children's recall of the times tables. Regular practise of their times tables on TT Rockstars Soundcheck Mode will be good preparation for this.
If you have any further questions do not hesitate to contact us on the email addresses above or catch us at the end of the day.
Year 4 team