Getting your child ready to start School
When your child starts Reception there will be an increase in the amount of 'learning' time your child will take part in. We start to introduce Phase 2 Phonics, English sessions, Maths sessions and topic lessons (art, history, geography, PSHE etc). Here are some activities and links to activities you could do with your child to prepare them for this next stage in their learning. See below for information about how we teach Phonics and early Reading to your children.
Here is Central Bedfordshire's guidance around what skills your child needs before they start school
Teaching your children to read
One of the biggest questions we have when children start Reception is about what parents can do to help their child read. Once your children are in and settled we will have a parents information sessions about Phonics and what you can do to help your child.
In the meantime please can we ask that you do ot use letter names to teach your children to read as it can cause difficulties for them later. At St Christophers we teach children to read using Phonics and the Letters and Sounds Scheme which is using the sounds different letters make. Here is a link to the Oxford Owl website where they can teach you the sounds the letters make. If in doubt please let us start this with your children first when they join us.
Oxford Owl Website - letter sounds
BBC Bitesize also have some great resources for starting school.
CLICK HERE for a starting school game
CLICK HERE for a starting school video
Below are some activities and books you might like to share with your child.